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Dec 12 VDS Newsletter


Costume deposit of $50 +4.38 tax = $54.38 per student will go through autopay on Dec. 15th. As always if this is not a good day let me know and I can change the date. I will try hard to stay at this amount, Meteors and Constellation may go over but I’ll do my best. I have to pay for costumes at time of ordering.

Frequently asked questions

1. Why is there tax on the costumes? Because Costumes like dancewear are goods and in Kansas we must pay sales tax on goods. At this point we do not pay sales tax on services like lessons.

2. When will you order costumes?? During the break before Dec. 31.

3. When will costumes get here? When they get here. Probably in Jan/Feb. I will keep until all are ready to go home. I don’t have Miss Sharon to steam, attach, etc this year so it’s all on me.

4. Are these costumes custom made? Not at this price!! (A custom costume starts at $150 goes up to $600.) They are made to fit “most dancers” . I add for growth, we sometimes have to nip and tuck.

5. What else will my dancer need? Pink and or tan tights will be ordered and billed later in the year. Your dancer will also need a nude colored camisole leotard , called an underliner, if they have a change of costume. All dancers change in same room, an underliner takes place of underwear and provides modesty when there is no privacy. Especially helpful when we dance at places like nursing homes or other public places….we have danced at the zoo, malls, and even Dillons once! I “think” I can order this year. In the past they were not returnable if I ordered, but were if parents did. More later! Hairpieces are included as part of the costumes.


Sat Dec. 18th 10:00 Monday and Tuesday dancers/ 11:15 Wed and Thursday dancers. In our studio, very casual. Parental seating in chairs and on floor. Dancers will wear skirts like we did at Feztival of trees and Mayor’s Christmas party, they will change shoes in the cubby area. Dancers will show you many of the dances they have learned or are partially learned. We may show you a few skills we have been working on also. “Recital” might be a bit to lofty a term but “come see what we’ve learned” was kind of awkward.

No admission, if you wish to bring a can of pet or people food, I will donate to the Food Bank. You may video and take photo’s before, during and after our performances. In the spring I hire a professional to do the videotaping. If your dancer is not going to be able to attend, please let me know. Our Elf has brought gifts for each dancer that will go home after the Winter recital.


Our winter recital marks the end of our 1st semester of dance. We resume on Monday Jan. 3rd.

Dancers will begin learning the more formal dances for our spring recital while continuing to practice the winter ones so that we may perform at a care home or two in Jan and Feb.

Twinkle Tots session 3 begins Jan. 3 and 4th – Registration is open for ages 2-4

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