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Oct 2 Newsletter – Vivette’s Dance

1. Invoices were sent home last week. Autopay will run on Oct. 10th. As always if that’s not a good day for you, let me know and I’ll change to a day that is good.

2. Dancers were working hard this week on our Halloween and recital routines. Tags were earned for “Awesome listening’, Shuffle Step and Shuffle Hop Step. Video’s have been posted to Band.

3. Hard to believe 1 month has passed already! Time flies when you are having fun!

4. Attention Thursday dancers: On Thur Oct 13th the lower level has a class reunion scheduled from 4-8pm. I have already spoken to the dancers about the need to be extra quiet, polite and to avoid trips to the bathroom if possible. It’s possible that the reunion will be moved to another level of the Temple but if not we will be on our best behavior and try to disturb them as little as possible. I already know that my dancers are very responsible so I’m sure we will have no issues.

5. The Meteors and Constellation are sharing 2 Halloween dances. As it gets closer to performance time I will have one day where we rearrange the schedule a bit so that they can practice the ballet and tap dances together. Reminder that these two classes need any pink t-shirt, preferably plain. I’ll send a notice home in plenty of time for this.

6. I like to take photos’ each month on a themed backdrop. These are posted on Band and you are free to download, print, send to grandma, post on social media, whatever. The kids get as big a kick out of it as I do.

7. Have a great week as we enjoy some fall weather!

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